Mortelmans, Lodewijk
Els Stevens after Jan Dewilde (translation: Joris Duytschaever)
Lodewijk Mortelmans studied at the 'Vlaamsche Muziekschool' in Antwerp with Joseph Tilborghs, Jan Blockx, and Peter Benoit. However, he wanted to graduate from a Royal Conservatory and therefore enrolled in 1887 at the Royal Conservatoire of Brussels. There he took the piano course of De Greef and counterpoint with Hubert Ferdinand Kufferath. Kufferath had a reputation for coaching young composers for the Prix de Rome, and Mortelmans wanted to pursue perfection with a view to competing for this prestigious state prize for music. However, Mortelmans did not thrive in Brussels and dropped out of the Conservatoire already in 1888.
For the prestige of the 'Vlaamsche Muziekschool' in Antwerp it was of vital importance to have as soon as possible a student who earned the Prix de Rome, and pressure was exerted on Mortelmans to become Benoit's first student who succeeded in this. Ironically enough, Mortelmans's first entry for the prize in 1889 happened unbeknown to Benoit. According to Benoit it would indeed have been better for Mortelmans to compete at the moment when he was ready to win. However, Mortelmans felt already like exploring in advance how such a competition worked, so he entered for the prize nonetheless. That year he had to be satisfied with a shared second prize. In 1891 Mortelmans took a second chance, but this time he gave up even before the end of the second preparatory test. He was ill and feared intrigues of the jury. Eventually Mortelmans earned the highly coveted prize in 1893 with the cantata Lady Macbeth.
After having secured the Prix de Rome Mortelmans was received in state as a popular hero in Antwerp, and his success had a more than symbolic significance in Benoit's struggle to have his Music School elevated to the rank of Royal Conservatory. Therefore Mortelmans was prominently visible at the celebrations for the transformation to Royal Flemish Conservatory in 1897.
After Benoit's death in 1901 Mortelmans was mentioned as a possible successor, but eventually Blockx was appointed, while Mortelmans got the course of counterpoint and fugue. After the death of Blockx in 1912, Mortelmans explicitly applied for the position of director of the Conservatory. But much to his disappointment he had to yield to Emile Wambach this time. Mortelmans continued teaching counterpoint and fugue, highly respected for his qualities as a professor. After Wambach's death on 6 May, 1924, Mortelmans finally became the fourth director of the Antwerp Conservatory on 6 September of the same year.
In retirement Mortelmans led a secluded life in Waasmunster, where he kept composing piano music, orchestrating early songs, arranging folk melodies and writing a handbook for counterpoint.
Mortelmans's accomplishment lies mainly in the field of songs and piano music. In his best songs Mortelmans managed to achieve a most felicitous psychological merging of text and music, as the musicologist Jan L. Broeckx remarked. His songs belong to the very best that was written in those years. Therefore Mortelmans was rightly dubbed "the Prince of Flemish Song".
Mortelmans's pieces for piano are steeped in intimacy rather than being show pieces. Among his best-known piano pieces Vier lyrische stukken (Four Lyrical Pieces, 1919), Het wielewaalt en leeuwerikt (It Loriots and Larks, 1921), inspired by the poet Guido Gezelle), and Saidja's lied (Saidja's Song, 1929), inspired by Multatuli's Max Havelaar) deserve to be singled out for special praise. His orchestral style, after having been influenced by Brahms, Schumann and Wagner, came into its own as an early form of impressionism.
Mortelmans bridged the gap between romanticism and impressionism in Flanders, introducing as he did after Benoit's community art and Blockx' bourgeois realism the era of individualistic emotion and of aestheticism as a foregrounded quality in the work of art.
Eigen werk
- Mortelmans, L.: [Over Arturo Toscanini en Bruno Walter], in: Gazet van Antwerpen, 25 juli 1930.
Anderen over deze componist
- Broeckx, J.: Lodewijk Mortelmans. Een Van Nu en Strakser der Muziek, s.l., 1945.
- Broeckx, J.: Mortelmans, Lodewijk, in: Algemene Muziekencyclopedie, Bussum, 1982, dl. 6, p. 388-391.
- CeBeDeM: Catalogus van werken van Belgische componisten. Lodewijk Mortelmans, Brussel, 1954.
- Dewilde, J.: Lodewijk Mortelmans, in: Traditie en vernieuwing. Koninklijk Vlaams Conservatorium Antwerpen, 1898 - School Conservatorium Hogeschool, 1998, Antwerpen, 1898, p. 286-292.
- Gilson, P.: Les compositeurs belges, in: Série française n° 8 - Emissions musicales A, NIR-INR (Brussel, 1936), p. 31.
- N.N.: 800 Children sing Young America, in: New York Times, 10 mei 1925.
- Roquet, F.: Mortelmans, Lodewijk, in: Lexicon Vlaamse componisten geboren na 1800, Roeslelare, 2007, p. 524.
- Van Riel, L.: Lodewijk Mortelmans. Een inleiding tot zijn werk en in het bijzonder tot 'De kinderen der zee', Antwerpen, 1920.
- Van Riel, L.: Lodewijk Mortelmans, in: Music & Letters, april 1921, p.107-120.
Homerische symfonie (1896-98 - 45')2222 4331 timp. ha. str kwi.
Boertige optocht (1889 - 6'30")3222 4330 timp. tria. roertrom. cymb. gr trom. str kwi.
Lyrisch gedicht (1893 - 8')2222 4000 ha. str kwi.
Helios (1894 - 11')3333 43 (+ 2 ad. lib.) 31 timp. tria. cymb. str kwi.
Lente-Idylle (1894-95 - 11')2222 4330 tria. ha. str kwi.
Mythe der Lente (1894 - 10')2222 4330 timp. tria. glock. ha. str kwi.
In memoriam, Elegie nr. 1 (1917 - 8')2222 4230 str kwi.
Hartverheffing, Elegie nr. 2 (1917 - 7')2222 4330 str kwi.
Verlatenheid, Elegie nr. 3 (1919 - 7')2222 4230 timp. str kwi.
Morgenstemming (1922 - 13')2222 4331 timp. tria. cymb. cel. ha. str kwi.
Gemoedelijkheid (1923 - 2'15")2222 4000 str kwi.
Treurdicht, Elegie nr. 4 (1925 - 9')2222 4231 str kwi.
Fantasie-dans (1929 - 3')3222 4231 timp. tria. cymb. ha. str kwi.
Jubelmars (1930 - 8')2222 4231 timp. roertrom. cymb. str kwi.
Ernstige overweging (1933 - 2'15")0122 4031 str kwi.
Evangelisch diptiek (1933-1934 - 10')2332 4331 timp. str kwi.
Adagio Religioso (1943 - 3'15")0122 4230 str kwi.
Doodsanctje (1944 - 3'15")1222 4000 str kwi.
Weemoed (1946 - 2'45")2222 2031 str kwi.
Wijding (1947 - 2'15")2232 4231 str kwi.
Lyrisch gedicht (1893 - 8')str kwi. ha.
Idyllische naklank (1919 - 2')2222 2000 str kwi.
Nocturne (1929 - 2'30")0022 2000 str kwi.
Weemoedig aandenken (1942 - 2')1122 2000 str kwi.
Fra Angelico's dansen - De engelen (1943 - 2'30")tria. cel. ha. str kwi.
Eenvoud (1944 -1'30")1222 2000 str kwi.
In memoriam, Elegie nr. 1 (1917 - 8')Str kwi.
Melancholia (1917 - 3')Str kwi.
Drie Kleine Elegieën: 1. Droeve overweging (1926 - 4') - 2. Berusting (1923 - 1'15") - 3. Allerzielen (1924 - 3')Str kwi.
Weemoedig slaapliedeken voor Bobby (1937 - 3')Str kwi.
Door stille Kloostergangen (1942 - 2'30")Str kwi.
Nederig bloempje (1943 - 3')Str kwi.
Primula Veris (1943 - 5')Str kwi.
Interludium (1946 - 1'15")Str kwi.
Romanza (1935 - 6')2022 2000 str kwi.
Gewijde zang (1943 - 4')str kwa.
Lyrische pastorale voor hoorn (1910 - 8'30")2222 2000 ha. str kwi.
Höflich-uitgave: Homerische symfonie (1896-1898)
Nederlandse inleiding bij Höflich-cataloognummer 508
Höflich-uitgave: Morgenstemming (1922)
Nederlandse inleiding bij Höflich-cataloognummer 501
Historische teksten
Mortelmans over Bruno Walter en Arturo Toscanini
Lodewijk Mortelmans (1868-1952) wordt naar aanleiding van zijn 50-jarig overlijden herdacht met concerten en publicaties. Daarover meer in latere nieuwsbrieven. In de zomer van 1930 woonde Mortelmans de Festspiele in Salzburg bij en over wat hij daar hoorde en zag, berichtte hij vanaf 25 juli dagenlang in 'De Gazet van Antwerpen'.
800 children sing Young America
In 1925 en 1927 maakte en dirigeerde Frank Van der Stucken een eigen Amerikaanse adaptatie van Jong Vlaanderen, de cantate voor kinderkoor en orkest van Lodewijk Mortelmans. Deze cantate werd onder de titel Young America uitgegeven door Van der Stuckens jongste zoon, Dirk, die in Reading een muziekuitgeverij had.