Tinel, Jef
Jan Dewilde (translation: Jo Sneppe)
Jef Tinel studied at the Teachers Training College in Sint-Niklaas and at the Lemmens Institute in Mechelen where he was a pupil of his uncle Edgar. He composed mostly vocal music, among which sacred music, cantatas and hundreds of (militant) songs.
With his song Wij zijn bereid! (We are prepared!) he became very popular within the Flemish Movement. The song has for many years been part of the stock canon of mass manifestations such as the Flemish National Festive Singing Day and the Flemish Ijzer Pilgrimage Day. At these gatherings he was in fact often featuring as a conductor. Furthermore he was the conductor of several Flemish-national choirs and brass bands and of the Verdinaso. After the war he was imprisoned for some weeks on a charge of collaboration.
Unlike his songs, his orchestral compositions (such as Suite voor orkest (Suite for Orchestra)) and his dramatic works (such as Fra Angelico and De verloren zoon (The Prodigal Son)) have rarely been performed.
Jef Tinel was organist in Zele, Maldegem (where he was also music teacher and director of the music school), Sint-Amandsberg and Ghent.
Anderen over deze componist
- Bosmans, V.: Liedkunst op teksten van Gezelle: Jef Tinel, in: SVM Nieuwsbrief 51, november 2006.
- Brys, J.: Honderd zeventig jaar muziekleven in Tielt, Tielt, 1966, p. 261-267.
- Claes, G.: Tinel, Jef, in: Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging, Tielt, 1975, p. 1669-1670.
- Corbet, A. en Paap, W.: Tinel, Emiel Jozef, in: Algemene muziekencyclopedie, dl. 6, Antwerpen-Amsterdam, 1963, p. 538.
- De Schrijver, K.: Tinel, Jef, E., in: Bibliografie der Belgische Toonkunstenaars sedert 1800, Leuven, 1958, p. 108.
- Dewilde, J.: Tinel, Jef, in: Nieuwe Encyclopedie van de Vlaamse Beweging (CD-rom), 1998.
- Leys, P.: Partituren van Jef Tinel gedigitaliseerd, in: SVM Nieuwsbrief 115, september 2012 [nvdr: Peter Leys publiceert werken van Jef Tinel via http://blog.seniorennet.be/tinel_jef/ en via http://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Tinel,_Jef].
- Roquet, F.: Tinel, Emiel Jozef (‘Jef’), in: Lexicon Vlaamse componisten geboren na 1800, Roeselare, 2007, p. 681-682.
- Vermeulen, G.: Jef Tinel, in: Muzikale Streekgerechten - Componisten uit het Tieltse, Tielt, 1993, p. 43-54.
- Vermeulen, G.: Tinel, Jef (Emile Joseph), in: Lexicon van de muziek in West-Vlaanderen, dl. 3, Brugge, 2002, p. 122.
Höflich-uitgave: Suite voor strijkorkest (1952)
Nederlandse inleiding bij Höflich-cataloognummer 2616
Partituren van Jef Tinel gedigitaliseerd
Renaat Veremans is de componist van Vlaanderen. Lodewijk De Vocht componeerde Onze Lieve Vrouw van Vlaanderen. Jef Van Hoof wordt automatisch gelinkt aan Groeninghe en Gaston Feremans is het Gebed voor het Vaderland.