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Desmet, Aloys

° Ooigem, 12/06/1867 — † Mechelen, 4/07/1917

Annelies Focquaert (translation: Jo Sneppe)

Just like his brother Alfons did before in 1879, Aloys (Aloïs) Desmet followed suit in 1885 starting his musical studies at the Lemmens Institute in Mechelen, which was led at that time by Edgar Tinel. In 1888 he obtained the first degree organ diploma (later called the Lemmens-Tinel Prize), upon which Tinel engaged him as organ teacher. When Edgar Tinel in 1909 became director of the Conservatoire in Brussels, Desmet succeeded him not only as director of the Lemmens Institute but also as Kapellmeister of St Rombout's Cathedral. Under his management the school expanded considerably, doubling its student population. Also outside the school walls he devoted himself to the improvement of church music, founding a branch of the Gregorius Society in Mechelen, setting up several sexton associations, giving lectures on music history and liturgical music, and teaching music in convents. In Mechelen he also founded a choir, which was called Cijferistengild (Ciphering Guild), later Mechelsch Gemengd Koor (Mechelen's Mixed Choir). Via numerical notation the singers learned 'a hundred and more kilos of Flemish music' transcribed for them by Desmet. Under his leadership they sang for ten years at a variety of concerts and popular Singing Evenings, often in collaboration with August De Boeck and Herman Baccaert, the latter Desmet's brother-in-law. In 1910 Desmet handed on the torch to the Mechelen organist Durieux.

Desmet composed several Masses and motets for choir and organ, amongst them Missa in hon. Sti Liberti, Missa in hon. Sti Martini, Missa in hon. Sti Joannis Berchmans and Missa O Amator Castitatis. He consciously set himself the limiting task of composing these works in an accessible style, not too difficult and yet always dignified, so that they kept within the bounds of performance feasibility for organists and choirs in the countryside and also stayed on the repertoire for a long time. The ‘Caecilien-Verein’ put his works in its catalogue, thus making his name also known in Germany. Together with his brother Alfons and his friend and colleague Oscar Depuydt, Desmet accomplished a standard work of organ accompaniments in nine volumes, the Organum Comitans: orgelbegeleidingen van het Graduale Vaticanum, which still proves its worth today. At the beginning of the Second World War his complete stock of scores went up in flames, even the printing plates were lost.

His profane compositions are restricted to some songs in the romantic fashion, characterized by a subtle, original accompaniment, the best-known in the series being his Wiegelied (Lullaby, 1906) on the text of R. J. Jordens.

Musica Sacra, december 1913 - januari 1914.


Eigen werk

  • Desmet, A.: “Aanspraak van M. Desmet” [18 november 1913, bij zijn jubileum als directeur van het Lemmensinstituut], in: Musica Sacra, jrg. 4, december 1913-januari 1914, nrs. 5-6, p. 41-43.

Anderen over deze componist

  • Corbet, A.: Desmet, Aloys, in: Algemene Muziekencyclopedie, dl. 2, Antwerpen-Haarlem, 1958, p. 284.
  • De Beenhouwer, J. en Teirlinck, F.: August De Boeck (1865-1937), componist, Merchtem, 2011, p. 199.
  • Eylenbosch, E.: Desmet, Constant Camiel Edmond Aloys, in: Nationaal Biografisch Woordenboek, dl. 3, Brussel, 1968, kol. 268-271.
  • Hanssens, S.: Orgelmuziek in Vlaanderen tussen 1900 en 1940, in: Orgelkunst. jrg. 31, nr. 1, maart-april-mei 2008, p. 26.
  • Holvoet, F. en Levaux, T.: Desmet Aloys (Aloïs), in: Dictionnaire des compositeurs de Belgique du Moyen Âge à nos jours, Ohain-Lasne, 2006, p. 179-180.
  • Maertens, J.: Desmet, Aloys, in: Lexicon van de Muziek in West-Vlaanderen, dl. 4, 2003, p. 67.
  • Meulemans, A.: Muzikale Kroniek, in: Dietsche Warande en Belfort, jrg. 1908, p. 161-162.
  • Musica Sacra, jrg. 4, nr. 4-5, december 1913 - januari 1914: aflevering ter gelegenheid van het 25-jarig leraarsjubileum van Desmet aan het Lemmensinstituut (verslag, toespraken van Kanunnik Van de Wattyne en Desmet zelf, religieuze werkenlijst Desmet).
  • Robijns, J.: Desmet, Aloys, in: Algemene Muziek Encyclopedie, De Haan-Haarlem, dl. 2, 1980, p. 356.
  • Roquet, F.: Desmet, Constant Camiel Edmond (Aloys), in: Lexicon Vlaamse componisten geboren na 1800, Roeselare, 2007, p. 254-255.
  • S. W.: Aloys Desmet, in: Muziek-Warande, jrg. 5, nr. 4, 1 april 1926, p. 73-75.
  • Van der Mueren, F.: Meester Al. Desmet 1867-1917, in: Ons Volk, p. 758-759 (knipsel zonder datum; na 4 juli 1917).

Historische teksten

Meester Al. Desmet 1867-1917

Floris Van der Mueren

Al. Desmet trad in het leven wanneer het Vlaamsche huisgezin haast nog geen Vlaamsche liederen kende en de dorpskerk het ordinarium zong op het rythme van een polka!

Muziek-Warande over Desmet

"S. W."

Enkele maanden geleden, werd A. Desmet een gedenkteeken op het Mechelsche kerkhof geschonken, waar hij tijdens den oorlog, onder de stille hulde van een diepontroerde menigte, ter ruste was gedragen.


Aloys Desmet

Terwijl rondom mij, al deze laatste dagen, een verdachte drukte was, een verdoken doening als van kinderen die hun vader, met zijn naamfeest, met een blijk hunner liefde willen verrassen;

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